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Reading for 6/4

This week, a few selections from Jean Baudrillard’s The Transparency of Evil. We’ll read “The Hell of the Same”, “The Melodrama of Difference”, “Irreconcilability” (pp. 113-145), “The Declination of Wills”, and “The Object as Strange Attractor” (pp. 164-174). See you soon.

1,800 days on either side

As we barrrel out way towards a general election, Freedom maintains its longstanding position: vote if you like, it’s what we do between elections that mattters. Once again we are barrelling our way towards a general election. Freedom as a collective has of course had roughly the same take on such…

In Contempt #41: June 11th Events, Malik on Hunger-Strike, July 25th

From It’s Going Down [This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.] In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action…

Label Feature: Noise Itch Cassettes

Like many Generation Y millennials, my first exposure to music came from cassette tapes my parents and older siblings owned. When I discovered punk, I went through various subgenres, and by the time I was 16-17, I found the “chaos not music” scene, thanks to pen pal friends from around the world…

The Return of the Anarchist Mary Nardini

Click here for the pamphlet The Return of Mary Nardini. In the interest of fostering physical print media, the full text is print only. Introduction Like most anarchist women, we know very little about Mary Nardini. She was born Maria Frattesi in 1882 in the Italian village of Pergola, a rural village…

Podcast: a cannabis coup in the Congo?

The attempted coup d’etat in the Democratic Republic of the Congo may or may not have been assisted by the CIA, but one of the Americans arrested in the affair is named as a “cannabis entrepreneur“—pointing to the possibility of legal cannabis playing the same destructive role in Central Africa…

The Conscripts Strike – Louise Michel (1881)

Translated excerpt from the French-language book ‘Mémoires‘ (1886), where Louise Michel republished some articles she had contributed to the (unknown to be at the time) police entrapment newspaper, ‘La Révolution Sociale‘ (February 13, 1881), along with her critique of that paper and the police…


Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info. here’s a zine reportback of various encampments on University of Chicago’s campus. Printable version here Full text below: 29-30 April 2024 Northwestern University 2.0??? Uchi’s encampment has been very disappointing. For starters, the community agreements…

Additional Thoughts on May Day and the PSU Occupation

This piece is a little bit late to the party, but after reading the other reportbacks published locally and participating in discussions with dear friends and close strangers, we still felt that some ideas were in need of sharing. We don’t wish to recap the events of May Day but hope to contribute…

Totw: needs

Note to podcast talkers: You don't need to read the whole thing on the podcast. You're free to do a cold open. Last week we talked about relations without measure. This week we’re counting heads and rationing provisions according to need. Oppression is glaring when it kills, as well as when it deprives…

RCMP Shoot and Kill Man in Mackenzie, British Columbia (June 1, 2024)

RCMP shot and killed a man in Mackenzie, British Columbia, on June 1, 2024. The Independent Investigations Office (IIO) of BC reports that at around 2:00 PM, police responded to a call regarding a man at a business in the 400 block of Mackenzie Boulevard. The man was arrested but police claim there was…

Solidarity and Action: A Dialogue with Radical Leaders

Join us for an engaging panel discussion, “Solidarity and Action: A Dialogue with Radical Leaders,” featuring prominent members from the Black Panther Party, The Panther Party, and General Strike US. This event promises to be a compelling dialogue about the resurgence of the Black Panther Party…

The Twenty-First Century Executive Branch Is a Criminogenic Environment

By Lambert Strether of Corrente Mr Pin smiled humourlessly. “You’ve got stuff on us but, well, between you and me,” he leaned closer, “some of the things we’ve done might be considered, well, tantamount to crimes–“ “All them –ing murders, for a start,” said Mr Tulip, nodding. “Which…

Critical Mass Orlando for May 2024

On May 31st, 2024, Critical Mass Orlando again took to the streets. This is a very large family-friendly social ride.

59-year-old escapes Monroe jail – Monroe, WA

April 30, 2024 A prisoner who escaped the Monroe Correctional Complex, a minimum security prison, was found and arrested Tuesday morning by local authorities after being on the run since Friday morning. Staff members of the prison believed the prisoner, snuck into an office behind the cleaning crew and…

The Opening Statement — Spring 2024

MAPS is delighted to present the 20th issue of The Opening Statement, a free quarterly newsletter that features articles, poetry, political writing and opinion pieces, as well as other relevant pieces by non-incarcerated authors. OPENING STATEMENT – SPRING 2024  (CLICK THE LINK TO DOWNLOAD PDF) ARTICLES…

Report on Trade Unions Under Military Rule in Myanmar conference

Myanmar is a country bordered by India, China, Thailand and Laos. Dr Maung Zarni, a Myanma academic, described racial capitalism inherited from the British, who are pioneers of apartheid. Two key banks that were involved in the colonisation are Lloyds and Barclays. Dr Zarni described the internal Balkanization…

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Annual Conference 2024

The IWWs Annual Conference 2024 brought together Fellow Workers (FWs) for a packed weekend of education, organisation and discussion in Bristol. This year’s conference had a very international flavour. FWs from all over Britain and Ireland were joined by Wobs from Austria, Cyprus and Germany. The conference…

Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ & intervention by a comrade from Vetriolo newspaper

On Wednesday 29 May we reoccupied the Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D. where we held the planned event on the book presentation of the interview of the anarchist nihilist Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist Italian newspaper Vetriolo, a telephone intervention and an information from an Italian comrade about…

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, June 2024

Ecosocialist Bookshelf is a monthly column, hosted by Ian Angus. Books described here may be reviewed at length in future. Inclusion of a book does not imply endorsement, or that C&C agrees with everything (or even anything!) it says. Climate & Capitalism has received review copies of some of these…

Eva X Moberg – International Workers Aid To Bosnia

I’d like to present to you a very concrete example of international solidarity and proof that it really works. I’m here as spokeswoman for International Workers Aid but I’m also a member of SAC which played an important role in developing this idea to reality. International Workers Aid started…

Colin Ward – The Child in the City

Synopsis How can the link between city and child be made more fruitful and enjoyable for both the child and the city? At a time when a significant proportion of the city’s children are at war with their environment, the question raised by this book becomes ever more urgent for teachers and parents…

Post Punk Echo & The Bunnymen Return To Chicago For A Show At The Riviera Theatre

By Kyle Decker and Photos by Fleurette Estes  In the Loop Magazine Get This Rancid Mill Post-punk progenitors Echo & The Bunnymen played a packed house at the Riviera Theatre (aka The Riv) in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. While they hit the UK charts a few times…

Effrenatum: A Journal of Unruliness: Volume #1 released

From Effrenatum The First Proper Edition, Volume One, of A Journal Of Unruliness is out. Viewable and freely reproducible here: Cover file (PDF), interior file (PDF) All B&W On Landscaped 11 inch by 8.5 inch copy paper. Your printer may need tweaking beforehand to be able to print/fold both sides of…

Memory, Movement and June 11th 2024

From The Final Straw Radio Download This Episode This week on The Final Straw, we’re sharing an interview we conducted in recognition of the upcoming celebration of June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and other long term anarchist prisoners. This week you’ll hear Julie Herrada…

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