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Submission: Nakba Art Day

We received a submission about art put up on Massachusett and Pawtucket land that serves as a reminder of the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. “75 years ago, over 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes in what is referred to as the Nakba — translated as “Catastrophe” in…

John Zerzan – He Means it — Do you?

Today opposition is anarchist or it is non-existent. This is the barest minimum coherence in the struggle against an engulfing totality. And while ten years ago the milieu generally called anti-authoritarian was largely syndicalist, those leftist residues are fading out altogether. Very few now find…

May 26: Anarchism of the Occupy Movement

For the next reading we are going to be reviewing what happened during the Occupy movement of 2011 in order to gain insight for the current student occupations happening across North America in solidarity with Palestine. The reading can be obtained here: As always, we meet at Camas Books and Infoshop…

Tucker Carlson Removed Portions Of YouTube Version Of Aaron Rodgers Interview

On a recent episode of his online show, Tucker Carlson interviewed NFL quarterback and anti-vaxxer Aaron Rodgers. The interview was broadcast on both YouTube and X (formerly Twitter). However, Carlson surreptitiously cut several portions out of the YouTube version in which the pair push conspiracies…

soundcite test

Testing soundcite button..Listen Here to the Bars Text follows here...Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Nam ipsum risus, rutrum vitae, vestibulum eu, molestie vel, lacus. Ut non enim eleifend felis pretium feugiat. Aenean viverra rhoncus pede. Proin viverra, ligula sit amet ultrices semper…

Anarchist Sabotage of Military Recruiter Cars – Bloomington, IN

14 tires slashed on 7 military recruiter cars near the mall. 14 more tires at a nearby security firm. Against the military machine. Against every nation-state. Against protectors of private property. Those that seek to maintain the peace in this time of upheaval are enemies of freedom. Those that carry…

Ohio Fur Farm Update

The Jorney Mink Ranch in Alliance, OH was raided three times by the Animal Liberation Front.  In total, 11,000 wild mink were liberated from their cages at this now-former wildlife prison. “We now feel confident to say that the Jorney Mink Ranch (pictured here) and the B.J. Hoffman Fur Farm, both…

University of Michigan Regents Terrified of Students, Home Demos

[link] University of Michigan action at regant’s home in Lansing The following are links to the safeumich posfs about the action [link] [link] Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.

Call for Port and Railyard Blockades on July 1st

(FOR IMMEDIATE AND WIDE DISTRIBUTION) 5/13/2024 As the escalation of the genocide continues, an escalation on our end is demanded. We call on cities across the U.S. to participate in a collective blockade and occupation of cargo ports and railyards. To be clear, the one and only goal of this action is…

Tunisia: lawyers strike amid crackdown on dissent

In an unprecedented move, striking lawyers from across Tunisia rallied in front of court buildings in Tunis on May 16, effectively bringing all proceedings to a halt. The unified action comes in response to what legal professionals are describing as a dangerous escalation by the government targeting…

Music Friday!

Antifa International - Music Friday! Music Friday!

Rejecting cynical narratives of the South

Somewhere in storage, there's a home video of me as a toddler,  barely standing in the driveway of my late grandparent's house.My sister is also in the frame dancing, ever the performer when the camera is rolling.I am toes to heel with her, carefully arranging my index and middle fingers to form a sign…

In ‘Insurgent Labor,’ David Van Deusen Details How Union Reformers Turned Things Around in Vermont
And How You Can, Too

By Joe Maniscalco Work Bites May 1st, 2024 Buy Insurgent Labor: The Vermont AFL-CIO 2017–2023 In 2020, with much of the nation biting its fingernails wondering what to do if Donald J. Trump refused to leave office after losing the presidential election — David Van Deusen, then head of the Vermont…

Kanak Society – Jimmy Ounei (1982)

Excerpts from Bulletin n.1, Association ‘Information et soutien aux droits du peuple kanak‘, Juin 1982, republished in Informations et Reflexions Libertaires, Fev.85, translated from the French Kanak society at its origin is a classless society, relations of production and between men are linked…

Ankaras Rolle beim palÀstinensischen Völkermord

Verlogenheit der TĂŒrkei: Ankaras Rolle beim Völkermord AN DEN pALÄSTINENSERN May 2024 Der von Israel an den PalĂ€stinensern begangene Völkermord, der nach den Hamas-Angriffen vom 7. Oktober eine noch schrecklichere Phase erreicht hat, wurde lautstark von Erdogan und anderen Mitgliedern des regierenden…


On May 1st in downtown Portland, 50-60 people gathered in a black bloc at the edge of the Palestine Solidarity March, which was comprised of several hundred people. Inspired by the combative student protests all over the country, our goal was simple: disrupt business as usual; bring the war home. There…

Counter counter protest sun 11.30am parliament

Nando161mando:ALTCOUNTER COUNTER PROTEST SUN 11.30AM PARLIAMENTNEVER AGAIN MEANS GAZA đŸ‡”đŸ‡žThis Sunday, racist opponents are holding a “Never Again Is Now” rally in solidarity with the Zionist entity currently enacting genocide in Palestine. Politicians addressing the rally will reiterate that…

Wil jij 26 mei naar de anti-terf demo in Utrecht, maar weet je niet goed wat je moet

Wil jij 26 mei naar de anti-terf demo in Utrecht, maar weet je niet goed wat je moet verwachten?Kom dan deze zondag (19 mei) naar Antifacafe!  Wij gaan een workshop houden die in het teken staat van goed voorbereid naar een demonstratie gaan. We zullen informatie geven over hoe je goed voorbereid naar…

Decoding Digital Culture with Science Fiction

Hyper-Modernism, Hyperreality, and Posthumanism How do digital media technologies affect society and our lives? Through the cultural theory hypotheses of hyper-modernism, hyperreality, and posthumanism, Alan N. Shapiro investigates the social impact of Virtual/Augmented Reality, AI, social media platforms…

Zine: notes for encampments and escalations

Submitted anonymously – This zine contains reflections, suggestions, and encouragement for the Palestine solidarity encampments. Read online (pdf) Print (pdf)

Cambridge for Palestine – demanding divestment

Mahmoud begins his day eating breakfast in tents with his comrades below Palestinian flags hanging over the grandiose King’s College in Cambridge. “Then, we have our morning briefing to reiterate our purpose. We’re not here for fun, we’re not here for a picnic. This is a protest against the University’s…

S1E117 – Inmn and Margaret on “Civil War”

Episode Summary This week on Live Like the World is Dying, Inmn and Margaret review the new film Civil War. Spoiler alert, it’s all kinds of weird. Host Info Inmn can be found on Instagram @shadowtail.artificery. Margaret can be found on twitter @magpiekilljoy or instagram at @margaretkilljoy. Publisher…

Anarchist May Day Parade Storms Through Fulton Market – Chicago, IL

On May 1, 2024, a group of rabble rousers and freaks took part in an anarchist May Day parade that stormed through the Fulton Market neighborhood of Chicago. Before leaving Union Park, people danced around a May Pole in costumes, shared food, laughter and music and then hit the streets. The group of…

DetĂ«sto: A Glimpse Into Brazil’s D-Beat/Crust Scene

DetĂ«sto is a d-beat crust band hailing from Campinas, a city in Southeast Brazil, northwest of SĂŁo Paulo. Their sound is deeply influenced by Swedish bands such as Dischange (Meanwhile), Disfear, Warcollapse, No Security, and Uncurbed. However, they add their unique twist to the genre, establishing…

Four City Workers Describe How Budget Cuts Impact the Public Services They Provide

Since 2022, the Adams administration has imposed multiple budget cuts on all city departments except the NYPD and the Department of Corrections. In June the Mayor and the City Council will complete negotiations on next year’s city budget. We’ve heard from city workers who described the devastating…

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